Best Management Practices (BMPs) Selection System v1.0 For Non-point Source Pollution Control in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

BMPs Selection System


Best management practices (BMPs) are being implemented worldwide to reduce non-point source pollution (NPSP), and their ecological effectiveness have been quantified through controlled experiments and hydrological/Non-point source pollution models. In this study, a BMPs selection system was developed by collecting and estimating the experimental results as well as modeling some BMPs scenarios through the AnnAGNPS model for NPSP control in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. In addition, the construction and maintenance cost for each BMPs scenario was calculated as well. This system includes more than 300 BMPs scenarios, where decision makers can select appropriate BMPs scenarios considering ecological goals, characteristics of application areas, as well as the BMPs technical features. This system can serve as an efficient and simple tool for identifying potentially useful BMPs in TGRR and is beneficial for watershed planning.

Shuhui Wang
Shuhui Wang
PhD Student

My study interests are 1) Machine Learning and Data Mining in Geosciences & remote sensing (e.g., simulation-based optimization framework, fuzzy programming, surrogate modeling); 2) Development of robust watershed management strategies and decision support; 3)Hydrological responses to LULC, human activities and climate change; 4) Hydrological/ waters quality (HWQ) models